Sunday, November 18, 2012

CCI Quiet-22

I've been impressed with this ammo in my rifles and decided to give it a try in the Single Six.  The velocity averaged 582 fps and accuracy was nearly as good as HV ammo at 25'.  It will pass through two milk jugs of water and be caught in the third.  The report is greatly reduced.  I'm thinking this may be ideal for Grouse.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Companion for the 32 Single Six

Marlin didn't make many of these but I happened into one I couldn't walk away from.

32 caliber Marlin 1894 - 32-20 Cowboy Carbine (top) and 32 H&R Magnum Cowboy (bottom)

The Marlin 1894 Cowboy in 32 H&R Magnum has a good reputation for accuracy.  So far that is proving to be true with my copy as well.


- Aesthetics
-32 H&R mag in a rifle.
-Handy size

Less Thrilled about.
-No loading gate

Using the loads I like in the 32 H&R Mag Ruger Single Six The 32 H&R Mag Marlin 1894 gets a good bump in velocity.

Lyman 311008 (115 gr) over W231 averages 1101 fps (920)

RCBS 32-98 SWC (100gr) over W231 averages 1161 fps (compared to 854 fps in the Single Six) and over Unique it averages 1360 fps (compared 1050 fps in the Single Six).

Early testing gives the accuracy edge to the W231 loads but even the Unique loads were impressively accurate.